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Meet Kim Dailey: A Champion of Family, Faith, and Freedom for House District 88

A Servant of Faith and Family: Stepping into Politics with Purpose

As a devoted Montanan, a proud Christian, and a dedicated wife to a retired Air Force Veteran, as well as a loving mother to five children – two biological, two stepchildren, and one guardianship child – I stand before you not as a seasoned politician, but as a servant of faith and family. My decision to step into the realm of politics was not taken lightly; it was born out of fervent prayer and profound conversations with God. I firmly believe that the time has come for us to stand unafraid, guided by a higher power, to make a difference for us and our children’s future. My commitment is to stand up courageously

for each and every one of you, and in return, I humbly ask for your unwavering support.

Kim Dailey and her Family

From Legal Expertise to Legislative Advocacy: Protecting Our Shared Values

My roots run deep in Montana. I cannot stand by silently as decisions are made in the state capital that do not reflect the values of our community. Our founding fathers cautioned against the dominance of lawyers in the legislature, emphasizing the importance of representation that serves the people, not the interests of the government. I am not a lawyer, however with 20 years of experience as a retired paralegal, I possess firsthand knowledge of the intricacies of the legal system. This experience has sharpened my ability to decipher complex legal documents, ensuring that I am well-prepared to advocate for our shared values in the legislature.

Kim Dailey in Helena

Restoring Moral Values: A Commitment to Serve and Safeguard Our Rights

For me, the government is not just a bureaucratic entity; it is a platform for serving the people. The erosion of moral values in our society, exemplified by the removal of God from public discourse, is a trend that must be reversed. I am dedicated to this cause, as I believe that our rights must be safeguarded and preserved. The time to act is now, before we face the irrevocable loss of our freedoms. Your concerns are my concerns, and your values are my values. I am here to listen, to understand, and to fight for a future that upholds our shared beliefs and protects the rights of every individual in our community.

Vote for Kim Dailey, House District 88 – Your Voice, Your Values.

Kim Dailey and her supporting husband, Von Dailey
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